Join the Collaborative Specialization in Planetary Science & Exploration

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Why Study Planetary Sciences?

Planetary science is an interdisciplinary field encompassing aspects of Earth Sciences, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, Geography, History, Philosophy, and many other allied subject areas. The focus of planetary science is on understanding the origin and evolution of planets and planetary systems and of life itself, with emphasis on the exploration of our own solar system. 

Is Planetary Science right for me?

Planetary Science speaks directly to many broad, important questions of particular relevance in today’s society. Climate change (planetary atmospheres), the origin of life on Earth (astrobiology), and sustainability (planetary surfaces) are among the topics covered under the broad umbrella of planetary science.

Planetary science combines aspects of many disciplines. It offers opportunities to follow your interests, discuss and take part in cutting edge planetary exploration, find opportunities for summer fieldwork and hands-on laboratory work, and collaborate with space agencies and private partners.


The Collaborative Graduate Specialization in Planetary Science and Exploration welcomes applications from all potential students, but those with a demonstrated interest in planetary science and exploration as indicated by prior course work, research or involvement in space-related student groups will be given preferential consideration. In all cases the normal admission criteria appropriate to each home department program will apply.

To apply to the Graduate Specialization in Planetary Science and Exploration, prospective students must first apply to the graduate program in their department of interest and then specify planetary science. The application process and requirements to different departments vary, so please carefully read the following step by step guide to apply. Please note that enrollment in the Collaborative Specialization in Planetary Science and Exploration is currently restricted to students enrolled in one of the graduate programs offered through the Departments of Earth Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Geography, or Physics and Astronomy; however, students from other programs may enroll in Planetary Science and Exploration classes, and may unofficially participate in the program. If you are a student from a department not currently offering this Specialization please reach out to us at

Earth Sciences Graduate Program
Physics & Astronomy Graduate Program
Geography Graduate Program
Electrical and Computer Engineering

MSc and PhD degrees in Planetary Sciences awarded by Western are distinguished by the discipline of the candidate’s host Program, i.e. PhD in Geophysics with a Specialization in Planetary Science and Exploration.

How to Join the Collaborative Specialization in Planetary Science & Exploration:

Step 1

Email your home department to receive the collaborative specialization admission form and provide your signature on the student line. In the additional notes section please indicate the following information:

  • Supervisor(s) name
  • Related research theme(s) from requirements list

Listed below are the contacts for each participating department:

** Note: If your home department is Geography, Earth Sciences, or Physics and Astronomy you will have your supervisor sign on the " Home department" line before sending the form to Western Space. 

*** Engineering students will have their Home department sign when they submit the form in step 3.


Submit the form to the Associate Director of Training by emailing

The Associate Director of Training will sign your form and it will be returned back to you via email. Once you have the required signatures, submit the form to your home department / program coordinator (Listed in step one) 


Once you have the required signatures, submit the form to your home department / program coordinator (Listed in step one) 

Three Signatures are required to properly complete this form. Ensure you have the following:

  • Student signature: (You)
  • Proposed Collaborative Specialization Signature: (Associate Director of Training)
  • Home department Signature: (Signature of your supervisor, Grad chair or program designate)

Welcome to the Collaborative Specialization in Planetary Science & Exploration!